Saturday, December 10, 2011

A "Shout Out" to one of my favorite newly discovered authors!

As I've stated here several times, the Kindle has re-ignited my love for reading again, and it's got me writing again even if it's only been a few pages a week. Imagine my surprise though when looking at the profile of one of my favorite new authors Michael G. Thomas to find that he follows my blog!

So I'd like to give a little shout out to him and his books, maybe my friends and blog followers will take a look inside some of his works. The Star Crusader Series, starting with the first book "Siege of Titan" is an epic five book series that is well written sci-fi with lots of intense action and combat woven around clever plot lines. I also just finished reading "Champions of The Apocalypse" which was a very interesting take on one possible future for mankind.

So Michael, if your reading this.... "Thanks for taking the time..." and get to work on your next book soldier!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cerebral Warrior...Defined

As I move through life I find that I'm forced to deal with changes. Changes to the world we live in, changes to my body, changes in the way I view things, feel about things and of course my mortality. How short life can be in all its phases.  Perhaps one of the greatest ironies is that at the height of our knowledge and wisdom, we are the least capable "physically" of putting it all together to accomplish things. Each year, each decade that passes in my life I've become more "cerebral", more of a thinker, reflecting on my past and looking ahead to the future. I find more happiness within, and in all the small things everyday that as a younger person you often overlook. Time has been both good and bad to me in the physical realm... I'm still active and enjoy cycling and jogging, but heredity, time in the Marines and a few sports injuries and accidents have left me with a back that is passable some days and severely restrictive on others.  Thus, I find myself ever more a thinker, a reader, an observer who marks the mental notes of life and finds the joy in small moments with my girlfriend, my tiny flock of chickens, the warm breeze of a sunny NorCal day in early winter or the taste of a good cup of coffee or wine.

There are many more battles to be fought, wars to be won and victories to savor. Some are in the physical form and some are of the Cerebral kind.  ;-)